Monday 3 November 2014

Homework about types of Camera Movement

Camera Movement


"The Pans" camera movement is a movement that scans a scene horizontally.


"The Tilt" is a type of camera movement that scans a scene vertically.

"Hand-Held Shot"

A "Hand-Held Shot" is a person videoing a scene from the hand without the tripod.

"Crane Shot"

A "Crane Shot" is a shot that has been taken from the crane. Basically a dolly shot.

"Zoom Lenses"

A "Zoom Shot" is when the camera gets zoomed in or out of a scene quickly.

"The Aerial Shot"

"The Aerial Shot" is a shot that is taken from a helicopter high up looking down at a scene.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Film Productions homework 2

Channel 4 V BBC2
Q1) What is the most popular format shown on both channels?
A.) The most popular channel shown on both channels is "Four In a Bed"
Q2) Which channel has the most formats that appeal to music fans?
A.) The channel that has the most formats that appeal to music fans is BBC2.
Q3) Which channel has the most formats that target teenagers?
A.) The channel that has the most formats that target teenagers is channel 4.
Q4) What is the purpose of the formats shown between 5pm and 6.30pm?
A.) The purpose of the formats shown between 5pm and 6.30pm is to 'entertain' people.
Q5) Who are the target audience for both channels at these time?
A.) The target audience for both channels at that time to adults and teens.
Q6) Which channel's purpose is to educate and inform its viewers?
A.) The channel that is to educate and inform its viewers is channel BBC2.
Q7) What socio economic background would you say BBC2 caters for overall?
A.) The socio economic background the BBC2 caters for overall would be in the C2 section which is the unskilled/unemployed section.
Q8) Which channel caters for ethnic viewers?
A.) The channel that caters for ethnic viewers is BBC2.
Q9) Why does channel 4 have adverts (to persuade you to buy something), and BBC2 doesn't?
A.) Channel 4 has advertisements because and BBC2 doesn't because, yes, its to persuade you to buy something and to allow the time for other TV programmes to start at the elacated time?

Monday 20 October 2014

Camera angle types and camera shot types & Homework

Camera Shot Types

"Establishing shot" of New York City. Sets the scene in context of location,
day. Time etc.

"Long Shot" of a rugby player. Generally a shot, which shows the image as approximately “life” size. Also shows the background of people, which brings the picture to life.

An image showing a "Extreme Long Shot" of a person in a strange location.

"Medium Shot" of an actor. A "Medium Shot" is meant to be from the shoulders to head. This helps the audience look at the setting behind him as well.

"Close-Up" image of a model. Close up scenes are meant for "Close-Up" view from the face with a very little background. Also, advertisements such as make up ads offers this.
 "Extreme close-up" of what looks like an actor. "Extreme close-ups" are mainly meant for only the nose and the eye.

This image shows a "POV" of a person on a bike cycling. "POV" stands for ‘point of view’, which means of a persons vision.

Types Of Camera Angles

"The Bird's-Eye View"

This picture shows a city from a birds perspective.

"High Level"

A "High Level" camera shot of a volcano giving a general overview of the scene.

"Low Level"

A "Low Level" angle camera shot positioned from the ground upwards. This is to make something look powerful.

"Eye Level"

An "Eye level" view of a girl at the same eye level as the picture taker.