Monday 20 October 2014

Camera angle types and camera shot types & Homework

Camera Shot Types

"Establishing shot" of New York City. Sets the scene in context of location,
day. Time etc.

"Long Shot" of a rugby player. Generally a shot, which shows the image as approximately “life” size. Also shows the background of people, which brings the picture to life.

An image showing a "Extreme Long Shot" of a person in a strange location.

"Medium Shot" of an actor. A "Medium Shot" is meant to be from the shoulders to head. This helps the audience look at the setting behind him as well.

"Close-Up" image of a model. Close up scenes are meant for "Close-Up" view from the face with a very little background. Also, advertisements such as make up ads offers this.
 "Extreme close-up" of what looks like an actor. "Extreme close-ups" are mainly meant for only the nose and the eye.

This image shows a "POV" of a person on a bike cycling. "POV" stands for ‘point of view’, which means of a persons vision.

Types Of Camera Angles

"The Bird's-Eye View"

This picture shows a city from a birds perspective.

"High Level"

A "High Level" camera shot of a volcano giving a general overview of the scene.

"Low Level"

A "Low Level" angle camera shot positioned from the ground upwards. This is to make something look powerful.

"Eye Level"

An "Eye level" view of a girl at the same eye level as the picture taker.

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